Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Short Response to Bill Morrison's "Decasia"

Bill Morrison's "Decasia" was incredibly successful at striking chords with not only the film-fanatic inside of me (the processes and ideas behind creating such a movie are unique and controversial), but also with the vast majority of my emotions.

What I mean by this is simple: the combination of nostalgic visuals caused memories to surface and flashbacks to initiate, while simultaneously, the film's score with its varying pitches and moods added depth to the emerging recollections.

Sure, the film had segments that were irritating to not only myself but also viewers around me - people were closing their eyes and even moaning - and it definitely didn't help that the shots that were extended were often the most disturbing or partially hypnotic. But, looking at the audience's reaction in a different light, it's only natural to come to the conclusion that Bill Morrison's intentions were successful; viewers were swept away by both the decaying frames and the fact that they were emotionally overwhelmed and distraught.

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